Okay, I've now returned to my home in Northern California, approximately half way between that huge red square and the swarm of more than 500 earthquakes in the Reno, Nevada area.
The big square is a 5.2 magnitude quake that occurred at 8:03 p.m. this evening, Tuesday, 29 April 2008.
And take a look at that swarm in the southern part of the State on the Southern Branch of the San Andreas Fault. I just left there, right in the middle of that mess.
Since the news media isn't interested in all of this activity I wonder if anyone out there is--besides me? Oh that's right, Obama's pastor shot his mouth off again and it is occupying all of the news time. Wow, will I be glad when this election is over. In the meantime, it is rather amusing to see Clinton and Obama and their supporters forming a circular firing squad.