Have I mentioned that it was nasty hot in Redmond. Now with what is going on in terms of heat all over the country that’s probably not an earth shaking comment but it has been HOT. BUT IT’S A DRY HEAT THEY SAY.
It’s true. I’d rather sit in a dry sauna than a steam bath but HOT is HOT. Motorhomes, especially older ones like ours were not built for extreme heat or cold. Sure we have air conditioning but with only 30 amp electrical power available we can only run one of the two units on the roof. I gave in yesterday and removed us from the commercial grid and fired up the generator so I could run both of them. Even then we hit 84 degrees inside the coach before they began to cool us down a bit.
Thankfully it has cooled down considerably today. It’s only 80 degrees out this afternoon compared to 97 yesterday. There’s even rain in the forecast for the weekend when we get back to the coast and cool ocean breezes. My mantra has always been that you can almost always put on enough clothes to stay warm when it’s cold but you cannot take off enough to get cool when it’s hot.
Last night’s entertainment was Debbie Boone.
She was terrific but she complained of the heat as the building in which she was performing is one of the only ones on the fairground that is not air conditioned. She even had some old fart in the audience come up to the stage because he was cooling himself with a little battery operated fan. She took it from him and held it to her face briefly. When she returned it to him she asked if they (FMCA) had given them away and did everyone have one? Of course they didn’t and we didn’t so she just pushed on. The show had to go on. Her face was very shiny with perspiration before the evening was over.
Tonight we get Tony Orlando and we’re looking forward to his performance. Tie and Yellow Ribbon and all that stuff.
Of course we planned to keep up our resolve and not purchase any more stuff—our RV runnith over already. We were weak and we have more stuff. Now Judy has to figure out where it will live. Fortunately blogging doesn’t take up any more room or I might have to do this out in the heat.
For the first two days we were here we were connecting to a very neat commercial wifi service that had set up here in the fairgrounds. After two days of wifi bliss they suddenly announced it would cost $27.95 for 5 days to continue with them. Well, as luck would have it, we’re parked directly across the street from the FMCA activities center where they have set up free wifi. For most folks that means taking the laptop over into the room and doing it there as the range is very small. With my wifi directional antennae with amplifier I am able to tune in from here in the coach and it has been neat. Sometimes when a truck or motorhome passes between me and the activities center I lose my connection but it comes back and it’s a small aggravation at most. Judy won’t pay bills or do online banking because of it but I’ve been able to surf the web, publish my blog without having to pay anyone for it.
Today is the last day of the rally and tomorrow we head for Mt. Hood Village. We’ll stop for the night along the Columbia River on the Washington side of the river before heading for Chinook WA for a week. The International Kite Festival will be underway in Long Beach and we’ll go over if it’s not raining. I’ll surely have some pics for the blog if they’re able to fly.
Several of you know we installed a new HiDef TV in the motorhome along with a new HiDef antenna on the roof before leaving home. I have been blown away by the quality of the picture from broadcast tv stations. Some are in 1080i (the highest) and some are at lower qualities but all are incredibly sharp and clear. Each TV station seems to have 3 or 4 channels. On NBC, for example, they have the channel we’re all used to seeing plus a 24 hr weather channel, a 24 hour news channel, and sometimes more. PBS in Portland has 6 channels! It’s going to be a new world when all broadcasts convert to digital (if not HiDEF) next year because even they are sharper and clearer than old analog signals. It’s too bad the content isn’t keeping up with the hardware.
If you enjoy the blog feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of any of the updates. If you don’t enjoy it, keep your comments to yourself. Hehe
It’s true. I’d rather sit in a dry sauna than a steam bath but HOT is HOT. Motorhomes, especially older ones like ours were not built for extreme heat or cold. Sure we have air conditioning but with only 30 amp electrical power available we can only run one of the two units on the roof. I gave in yesterday and removed us from the commercial grid and fired up the generator so I could run both of them. Even then we hit 84 degrees inside the coach before they began to cool us down a bit.
Thankfully it has cooled down considerably today. It’s only 80 degrees out this afternoon compared to 97 yesterday. There’s even rain in the forecast for the weekend when we get back to the coast and cool ocean breezes. My mantra has always been that you can almost always put on enough clothes to stay warm when it’s cold but you cannot take off enough to get cool when it’s hot.
Last night’s entertainment was Debbie Boone.

Tonight we get Tony Orlando and we’re looking forward to his performance. Tie and Yellow Ribbon and all that stuff.
Of course we planned to keep up our resolve and not purchase any more stuff—our RV runnith over already. We were weak and we have more stuff. Now Judy has to figure out where it will live. Fortunately blogging doesn’t take up any more room or I might have to do this out in the heat.
For the first two days we were here we were connecting to a very neat commercial wifi service that had set up here in the fairgrounds. After two days of wifi bliss they suddenly announced it would cost $27.95 for 5 days to continue with them. Well, as luck would have it, we’re parked directly across the street from the FMCA activities center where they have set up free wifi. For most folks that means taking the laptop over into the room and doing it there as the range is very small. With my wifi directional antennae with amplifier I am able to tune in from here in the coach and it has been neat. Sometimes when a truck or motorhome passes between me and the activities center I lose my connection but it comes back and it’s a small aggravation at most. Judy won’t pay bills or do online banking because of it but I’ve been able to surf the web, publish my blog without having to pay anyone for it.
Today is the last day of the rally and tomorrow we head for Mt. Hood Village. We’ll stop for the night along the Columbia River on the Washington side of the river before heading for Chinook WA for a week. The International Kite Festival will be underway in Long Beach and we’ll go over if it’s not raining. I’ll surely have some pics for the blog if they’re able to fly.
Several of you know we installed a new HiDef TV in the motorhome along with a new HiDef antenna on the roof before leaving home. I have been blown away by the quality of the picture from broadcast tv stations. Some are in 1080i (the highest) and some are at lower qualities but all are incredibly sharp and clear. Each TV station seems to have 3 or 4 channels. On NBC, for example, they have the channel we’re all used to seeing plus a 24 hr weather channel, a 24 hour news channel, and sometimes more. PBS in Portland has 6 channels! It’s going to be a new world when all broadcasts convert to digital (if not HiDEF) next year because even they are sharper and clearer than old analog signals. It’s too bad the content isn’t keeping up with the hardware.
If you enjoy the blog feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of any of the updates. If you don’t enjoy it, keep your comments to yourself. Hehe
Of course we love it. Were your biggest fans afterall!! Keep us posted.. and I wont even begin to describe the heat that continues to grip the south in its clutches. The other day it was 93 I was thinking.. what a lovely day today is.. its not too hot! So.. you can see we've been warped by the unyielding heat! Another week or more to go until we have any hopes of relief.
Love ya
Kiddo and Kidlet
Well its to bad its so hot. The temps at home have been nice. Its has been a little breezy the past few days. There was another fire in Tahoe today 5 homes lost or damaged. The fire was just outside Tahoe City. We were on standby for a short time. Have fun at the concert. Thanks for getting the pictures to the other RVing Parents.
Talk at you soon - Kev
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