Our detour to the coast has been absolutely splendid. They days have been sunny and the temperatures have been in the low to mid 70’s in the afternoons. It’s just perfect, as far as we’re concerned—unusual for this area, but perfect.
We’ve also been able to spend some time with the wanderers in the Carefree Coyote, Dave and Sue. We got together twice, once at their place and once at ours where we had a very nice cocktail party on our patio. Judy served our last remaining can of Capt. Jack’s Alaska Salmon in a spread on crackers. That, along with some killer salsa and the frozen margaritas was just perfect.
Today, Labor Day, we’re just kinda’ kickin’ back. We’ll go in search of the New Carissa this afternoon.
Judy did a load of laundry here in the RV park and I gave a tour of our RV to some neighbors who recently purchased a gasoline powered coach. They’re now heading back to their home in Nampa, Idaho, to put it on the market and start researching diesel pushers. I praised DeMartini RV as a wonderful place to buy a previously owned motorhome.
It’s just like when we were in boating. There’s always one two feet longer or a little nicer to lure you into doing what you should have done in the first place. The boating motto was always, “buy the bigger boat.” The same motto seems to apply to RV’s as well.
Our plan is to head for home tomorrow morning, arriving in Grass Valley on Wednesday. Ron is looking forward to getting the hot tub up and running again as soon as we get there. Judy is looking forward to having the dishwasher and the washer and dryer available anytime she wants and conveniently located right in the house. Different’ strokes for different’ folks.
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