But living in the confined space of our motorhome, has made it a problem that has caused discussion, action, and upset. The dogs don't seem to mind that I don't look them squarely in the face anymore, though.
I tried a breath spray on them but you'd think they'd been hit with pepper spray or mace. The saliva that flowed in each case was amazing. They even foamed at the mouth.
Everyone says it's their food (see first paragraph). Could it be the desert water? It actually seems to be pretty good tasting water so I don't know.
All of this discussion of halitosis caused my confused brain to go on a reverie of its own back down memory lane--every year I do more of such mental meandering. Ah yes, the joys and pleasures of boyhood in the 40's. This is where the remembering
mentioned in the title comes in. I suddenly remembered a product that I lusted after as a kid and maybe you did too: Sen-Sen. It was the early 20th century version of Mentos and other breath mints found today. It seemed one or more of my relatives, probably hiding a halitosis condition caused by improper oral hygiene, had a small packet of this stuff in his or her pocket. It was a licoricey-minty powder made up of tiny black squares and you tipped the whole thing in your mouth at once. Oh, the flavor rush was fabulous. Did you know they still make the stuff? Not only do they still make it using the original recipe but on the same machines that produced it in the late 1800's. You can buy it online, go to Amazon.com and search in their candies and there it is.
While we're remembering do you remember "Black Jack" or "Fan-Tan" gum? Well, I could go on and on but thanks to foul dog breath I've had a little fun on the internet and shared it with you.
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