Wow, it was great and beautiful. We had just had 40 mph+ winds and some moderate rain and felt our chances of seeing it were nil but, lo and behold, the clouds separated and in the hole between them it was there and it was terrific.

Thanks to MA Nature for another spectacular visual event.
Wow we didnt think you guys would be able to see it since it said it would be an easter US event. Anywho! Yea we saw it! We went out about ever 15 min and took a look, even taking a gander through the tele to see it up close.. just as cool far away though. Awesome stuff we finally conked out at 11 to a dark moon and arose at 5am to a SUPER Bright Morning moon still up on the western horizon. WOWZA is right.. it was a spectacular night all around.
Thanks MA nature!!! You do rule.
Nice shots, had to deal with KCRA live coppter shots her in NORCAL. To much cloud cover to the east.
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