Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Firefighter's Family Christmas


Holiday schedules become very flexible when a family member works in emergency services. Our son Kevin, as almost all of the readers of this blog know, is an officer in our largest fire department. As often as not, his schedule ends up with him working on many of the major holidays, and this year was no exception.

In depth negotiations with Santa Claus resulted in a special delivery several days early so the whole family could celebrate the holiday together. Therefore, Tuesday, Dec. 23rd became our Christmas.

A little more snow fell throughout the day, ending before sundown. Our unplowed road is rapidly turning into an icy downhill slide as the white stuff gets packed down hard on the gravel. Only the hearty are venturing out until those conditions improve substantially.

Last year we had the pleasure of having our daughter Laurie and Granddaughter here from North Carolina but this year, with the economy being as tough as it is, they stayed home. We missed their smiling faces around the dinner table this year. Dinner was wonderful though repeated attempts to get the two boys to make nice faces were a complete failure. We settled on a nice picture of we four adults with the two munchkins doing what they felt like doing.

A very generous Santa delivered a Wii fit video game system to Kevin and Dodi’s boys and, when they all arrived at our house that evening for Christmas Dinner and our gifting, they brought it along with them. What a lot of fun. We bowled, raced, played baseball and laughed and shouted at successes and failures alike. I can clearly see why the Wii is so popular.

Waking on the morning of Christmas Eve, we discovered that Mother Nature was doing her thing again and moderate snow was falling. The trees looked as though they had been dusted with powdered sugar.

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